Back in September I posted about the ominous sounding Buy n Large. The Buy n Large website [^] is a promo site for the upcoming Disney-Pixar film “Wall-E”. On engadget [^] there is a post about the sneak peak at the about to be launched merchandise to promote the film in the US.
This is the “Ultimate Wall-E” a ten motored radio controlled robot, loaded full of sensor, and capable of being programmed; all for an amazing $US 190.
It seems as though the irony of releasing merchandise for a movie about the effects of mass consumerism has been lost on the entertainment giant. To paraphrase: buying lots of “stuff”, just so that you can have “stuff” – bad; oh by the way come on buy the really expensive toy robot. Enough said!
[…] would be a crime. Another case of hypocrisy in this film? Consumerism is bad, but buy our toys [BrizBunny Comments]; and don’t copy or robot, buy an original copy of this movie. We are still looking forward […]