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Before & During the Brisbane Floods

The ABC has just put up a series of before and during photos of the floods [^] that recently struck Brisbane, the capital of Queensland.

The photos really bring home how widespread the flooding really was. It’s shocking to see some areas Brisbane that I am familiar with under water; and we can’t begin to understand what it is like for Queenslanders.

Our thoughts go out to all of those people that have to live with and clean-up the effects of this disaster. But there is something that you can do: donate to the Queensland Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal [^].

Brisbane Southbank - 2011 Flood

Brisbane By Night

Another one for the Brisbane Collection.  This is the Captain Cook Bridge at night from the Riverview Tce Lookouts with Southbank behind.
Captain Cook Bridge, Brisbane QLD.JPG
The Lookouts are on top of the Kangaroo Point cliffs.  This, and the view back into the city, has got to be well worth a small diversion.
City View, Brisbane QLD.JPG
Although I’m not sure that this does the view justice.  I will have to try to scan some of the photo’s that I took at the same time and put them up.


This is the first of what will hopefully be a regular instalment. There
is quite a stash of reasonable Brisbane Night Photos building up. We will
have to work on getting some reasonable daytime ones.

Cook Bridge.JPG