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Somewhere Over A Rainbow

Life On Mars



I have just watched the last episode of Life On Mars.  It is amazing how the writers have managed to keep us guessing all the way through two seasons.  Is Sam “… mad, in a coma, or back in time?”  To their credit the writers tied-up the loose ends nicely, and provided us with a good, believable ending.  Life On Mars has been one of the few bits of must watch, and more importantly must pay attention to, television that I have seen in a long time.

When I was younger, I was freaked-out by the girl and the clown on the test pattern.  After seeing the first episode of Life On Mars it all came back to me, and more!  Before the last episode aired I liked IZ’s “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” [^].  It’s a song that we heard about the time that we went New Zealand  the first time – in a Dulux ad!

Now I have to wait for ABC to get it’s act together and bring us the sequel – Ashes to Ashes – probably sometime next year!