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Odds & Ends

Things that don’t have a home anywhere else

Excel 2013 – Save Workspace

With the leap up to MS Office 2013 at work I have discovered the “joys” of the ribbon. After a while I have decided that I can live with it, everything just takes more time – where was that; and, where can they have hidden it now.

One thing that did stick out though was that Microsoft had discontinued the Save Workspace function in the Office 2013. Save Workspace would create a file (*.xlw) based on the currently open workbooks and their layout. This is useful if you are in the middle of something and are interrupted. When you get back just click of the workspace file and everything is back to the way it was. (more…)


“If you are going to live your life in Technicolor, then you have to expect some spilled paint.” Air Commodore John Oddie (Retd.)



I have touched upon procrastination a little in the past. Today I found out that there is a formula that explains the psychology of motivation and procrastination [^].

Motivation Equation

In other words, if a we have a reasonable sense that something is achievable (expectancy), the pay-off is going to be high (value), the activity was planned (not impulsive) and the timeframe is short (low delay) then motivation should be high. As soon as any of these factors start to move then the motivation and chance of procrastination will also change. Any one of these factors can have a big impact on the way that someone reacts to the task.


“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard”
AA Milne – Winnie the Pooh

Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet

Word For The Day: Resistentialism

Resistentialism is one of those ideas that has occasionally niggled away at the back of my mind, but I have never been able to put a word to. Resistentialismis Paul Jennings’ comedic theory that inanimate objects show malicious or spiteful behaviour towards humans; almost as if they are at war with us. Next time you “misplace” your keys you will know exactly what I mean – where can they possibly be hiding?

car keys

Thanks have to go to Mark Frauenfelder for naming this thought in his on Dinosaurs and Robots about the finger-slicing razor and his bulldog clip revenge [^].