News of the Victorian Bush Fires seems to be getting good coverage around the world now.
Whole towns have been lost to fire, with hundreds of thousands of hectacres burnt. The death toll so far has exceeded that of the Ash Wednesday fires in 1983, with the toll expected to rise further as the emergency services begin to get into affected areas. This make this Victoria’s worst bush fire so far.
The CannibalRabbit family have not been directly affected by the fires. Mrs CannibalRabbit’s parents are in country Victoria, and like us are surrounded by nothing more than smoke at the moment. We have had some fires around 25 kilometres away from us at Yarra Glen, but other than the smell of smoke on the air and the loss of our view, we have nothing to worry about here in suburbia.
There are a number of reliable sources for news:
In response to requests by the CFA and the DSE that web-traffic too their sites be kept to a minimum, Google have created a flash-based map for people not threatened by the fires. The Victoria Fires Map [^] is based on live data received from the official sites.
Out thoughts go out to those affected by the fires, and our thanks to everyone involved in fighting the fires and those that are supporting them.
[…] the recent Victorian Bushfires (Bush Fires, Update, Contained) we have had some wonderful sunrises and sunsets. I managed to get this photo […]