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English Nurse Forced to Take English Test

This just tickled my fancy. 

A British nurse has been forced to take an English language test before she can work in Australia.

TimesOnline - Strewth! Briton must take an English test 

The NSW Nurses and Midwives Board introduced new language proficiency regulations for all migrants on 1st January.  This rule even applies to the 33 year-old Birmingham born, Bristol educated Ms Julie Dutton; despite her being fluent in English, and holding a Nursing degree  from an English university.

There is an undoubted need for a nurse to be able to communicate effectively with other hospital staff. But is this a case of “bureaucracy gone mad” as the NSW Opposition claim, or just a lack of commonsense?

More frustrating was the fact that the next test that Ms Dutton could sit was in June. With government intervention, a place has been found this weekend at Macquarie University’s International English Language Testing System Centre.

David Harris from the testing authority said “If it was to be decided that people should be exempted from the test, on the basis of what evidence would they make that decision?” That indeed is the question, the one that should have been determined prior to the regulation being introduced.

Interestingly, it must be noted that Australian nurses in the UK face the same profiency requirements.

Via: ABC News [^] and TimesOnline [^]


Tomorrow is ANZAC Day.  25th April 1915, was the date of the first landings on the beaches of the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey during the First World War.  ANZAC Day takes it name from the Australian and New Zealand Army Corp.  This is the day when Australians and New Zealanders everywhere recognise those who have made a sacrifice for their countries. 

The landing were made by British, Australian, New Zealand, Canadian, Indian and South African troops.  Although the landing were not a success the RSL website [^] notes that the Gallipoli campaign “… gave to Australia a new pride. The Army had not failed. It had faced the horrors of modern war – the pain, the discomfort and the fear – with courage, determination and above all, good humour.” 

The ANZAC Day Public Holiday will see many Australians, young and old, at Dawn Services across the country.  This is now a proud celebration of the nation, in stark contrast with the event that looked as though it would die out with the passing of our WW1 survivors in the 1960’s and 1970’s.  With one WW1 veteran left in Australia and many WW2 survivor now in their 80’s ANZAC Day is growing in popularity, “Lest We Forget”.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them.

Laurence Binyon’s “For the Fallen”

$10 ANZAC 08

* CannibalRabbit supports ANZAC Day, Legacy, and Remembrance Day.