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June, 2007:

Petey & Jaydee

The CannibalRabbit has a very strange, twisted sense of humour.  But is that telling anyone anything that they did not already know?

SBS are managing to fuel this sense of humour in the form of the Petey & Jaydee [^] cartoons about a pair of fun-loving, curious, and somewhat deadly aliens.  There is one thing for sure, in each 45 second episode at least one of them will end up dead.  A very strong illustration of “Curiosity killed the cat!”

Petey & Jadee

The only problem is being only 45 seconds long the little guys don’t make it into the TV guide – so unless you know they are on you aren’t too likely to run across them.

Photo Gallery Launched!

At long last I have started to put some photos up for everyone to look at.  If you are interested there is a new item in the Blogroll on the left-hand-side – or you can go straight there using this link [^].  There are only nine phots there so far – but plenty more to come.

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The Great Wall of China

Telstra have been running an advert [^] that tickles my sense of humour, and seems more than a little appropriate for this site.

Little Kid:  Dad, why did they build the Great Wall of China.

Dad:  Well that was in the time of the Emperor Nasi Goreng, they built it to keep the rabbits out.  There were too many rabbits in China.

There is a wonderful kick at the end with the poor kid in school just about to start a presentation about the Great Wall of China.

 This ad now has it’s own section in Wikipedia [^] on the Wall.  The Beaconsfield Institute of Sinology has gone on to detail [^] the life of the Emperor and the history of the plague of angorra rabbits.

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