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Resume Excel 2013 Open Workspace

Okay, so the last post about partially regaining the Save Workspace function in Excel 2013 didn’t set the world on fire.

There was one thing missing though. In order to get your collection of Excel files open again you had to have a file open, even if it was just a blank workbook. I found this a little annoying once I got over the jubilation of getting the Save Workspace function back.

A solution was found in the form of a bit of VB Script, in effect a Windows batch file (.vbs rather than .bat).

set objExcel = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)
objExcel.visible = true
objExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = true
myStartUp = objExcel.Application.StartupPath
objExcel.workbooks.Open myStartup & “\PERSONAL.XLS”
objExcel.Run “personal.xls!OpenWorkSpace2013
set objExcel = nothing

Open Notepad and paste in the code above. Then save the file with a “.vbs” extension somewhere easy to get to, like your Desktop. When you click on the file Excel will open with your saved workbooks. You may need to update the name that you gave the macro that Opens the Workspace file; “OpenWorkSpace2013” in this case

Holding Our Hands

… she hadn’t really gone.
The dead don’t go till you do, loved ones.
The dead are still here holding our hands.
Jackie Kay “Darling

Forget Me Nots

Forget Me Not

Phoney Phone Boxes

I think that I have found something to go on my Christmas Present list for next year – a fake British Phone Box [^]. Now given the £1,500 price tag without shipping from the UK, I don’t think it will be coming anytime soon. But there’s no harm in dreaming is there.Replica Phone Boxes

Now surely I’m not the only person in Melbourne / Australia that could find a space for one of these in their garden, am I? Also I notice that Phoney Box offer a hire-service what a great way of stirring up interest at a convention, one of these beauties covered in your brand’s vinyl coating. Now that would be a major talking point! And somewhere where you could make a phone call and stand still be heard.

Have I just identified two new business opportunities for CannibalRabbit Enterprises?

Monty – One Month On

Monty Garden - Sept 2010

One month after Monty arrived home. Both ears are up, and he is busy finding things to chew in the garden. We’ve had such a rainy spell and the ground is that wet that the lawn hasn’t been mowed for a few weeks. The lawn is all squelchy but at least we don’t have any flooding [^] to deal with.

Monty the Corgi

The CannibalRabbits have just got a new pet, Monty the Tricolour Corgi dog. A little bundle of energy one minute, and asleep the next. At twelve weeks old he looks huge, has massive paws and it very adventurous.

After we lost Chloe earlier on in April we wanted as big a change as we could get and still have a corgi. Being mostly black, coming with a tail and being a boy he is going to be quite a bit different. Welcome home, Monty.

Monty 14-Aug-2010

Monty 14-Aug-2010 2