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Bunny Tossing

Strange things happens in New Zealand. - Tourist No Bunny as a Thrower

A German tourist has been crowned New Zealand’s champion rabbit-thrower [^] in Waitomo according to Lisa Lutz managed to overthrow the Kiwis by tossing a dead rabbit into a trailer attached to a motobike; something seen across farms in New Zealand and Australia.

Event organiser Barry Woods said that the event was staged as a stand against political correctness. Rabbits are not native to either country, and cause a great deal of damage to indigenous flora and fauna. Only dead rabbits were used in the competition.

The Easter Bunny

Have you ever wondered what the Easter Bunny gets up to on the other 364 days of the year? Click through on the photo below to watch a video of his non-Easter exploits – this is one seriously bad bunny. - The Easter Bunny Hates You

Thanks Girgoyle for the link.

Melting Bunny

Just from the still you know that this isn’t going to end well for the poor rabbit. After the run of weather that we have just had, I know how the poor little guys feel! [^], with Melbourne recording three consecutive days over 43°C!

Bunny meet Iron, Iron meet Bunny

Bunny meet Iron, Iron meet Bunny

Click on the photo to see the video.  The video was a commission piece for the Dutch KRO Television station called “Three ways of melting a chocolate hare” and was made by Lernert Engelberts and Sander Plug.

Rampaging Rabbit T-Shirt

I just knew that I had to have this T-shirt as soon as I saw it; even though it’s yellow!

death has keen eyesight

A brief panic ensued when I realised that it was yesterday’s shirt, and the good people at [^] release a new design every day.  I thought that I had missed out, but luckily there were left-overs.  This t-shirt is titled "Death has Keen Eyesight [^]" and has more than a little of the "Were-Rabbit [^]" about it.

Now I just have a four or five weeks to wait until it’s delivered.

Test Lab Bunny

By now, some of you must be beginning to wonder if there is something wrong with CannibalRabbit.  It seems that tortured teddies are appearing everywhere at the moment! 

Test Lab Rabbit

Flickr Photo: Test lab bunny

Apparently this poor hand-crafted creature is a test lab rabbit, and you could buy they from the craft website [^].  He has had so many brain experiments conducted upon him that his brain just pops out!  Some days I know how he feels!