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September, 2011:

Monty – 1st Place Junior Dog

Susan and Monty have just come back from a win at the Royal Melbourne Show, the biggest dog show in the southern hemisphere. Together they were awarded 1st Place in the Junior Dog Class for Welsh Corgi (Pembroke). Congratulations to them both.

Monty RMS Junior Dog

Monty RMS Junior Dog Bench

British PHP

PHP is one of the cornerstone languages of the web today. But what would happen if it had used British English rather than the abomination that is US English? AddedBytes shows us what the programming world could have been like If PHP Were British [^].



To the obviously superior:


Their view is a little wordier, but the spelling is vastly improved.

Blogger Identities

IanVisits has an interesting post on the way that the media insist on treating the identities of bloggers [^]. As Ian points out it is common practice for celebrities to referred to by their stage name; like Michael Caine rather than Maurice Micklewhite.

ian visits - How the Media Treat Bloggers Identities

However, when it comes to bloggers the media often insist on using a blogger’s “real” name rather than their pseudonym. In most cases a newspaper will not include a web-address for a blog. If you can search for their online identity you stand a good chance of finding them. With only their real name you stand very little chance of finding them, and finding out if you want to follow them, their blogs or twittering.