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April 27th, 2006:

Australia Sandsculpting 2006

On Sunday we headed down to the Australian Sandsculpting 2006 at Rye, on the Mornington Peninsula.
Despite being there in the open air since the middle of February everything was holding-up reasonably well. That is until vandal got in on Satruday night and managed to break bits off of ever sculpture. So if a bit seems to be missing – it probably is!
Melb Sand 2006.jpg
There are more to come, but this one will give you some idea of the size of these massive piles of sand that the Sculptors work with. That’s one spider that I wouldn’t be trying to scoop up into a Peanut Butter jar and throw out the back door.

Sorrento from Rye Pier

On Sunday we headed down the bay to Rye to see the sand-sculptures. On the way back to the car we decided to walk up to the end of the Rye Pier to have a look around, and saw one of the Spirits of Tasmania coming in to Melbourne. While we were out there we saw that we had managed to find a window of sunshine while we walked around; and there was another storm rolling across Port Phillip Bay. This provided some dramatic lighting for Sorrento while leaving Blairgowrie in shadow.

Seascape - Sorrento.JPG