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Odds & Ends

Things that don’t have a home anywhere else

Sixpence Cufflinks

Sometimes my creative urge gets tickled. That was definitely the case when I saw these sixpence cufflinks [^] from Thornhill Jewellery.

 sixpence cufflinks

I don’t object to the price – £30 seems quite reasonable. It’s just that all of a sudden it doesn’t look all that hard. After all you can get 100 cufflink backs for about $50, then you can put whatever you want on the front. But I may get tempted in the meantime.

Unprovable …

A quick follow-up to my Science and Religion post, this time coming from the atheist side.

“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” ? Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens

This statement is known as Hitchens’ Razor; the burden of proof lies with the person making the claim. Mr Hitchens used it first to criticise the beatification of Mother Theresa in 2003.


After getting a few post out in what passes for quick succession, Pope Francis Says Relax [^] and Do Something [^], I found this lovely quote about procrastination.

You hold a doctorate in procrastination, even though you never got around to writing the dissertation.
Chris Guillebeau [^]

After saying “Do Something, Do Anything” what did I do – I just sat on it.

 Procrastinate T Shirt

Do Something

Robbie Abed reminded me that the hardest part about starting anything is how you get in your own way [^]. It’s easy to make excuses, and to get caught up in caring about what other people are going to think.

You need to remember that the hard part is starting. But, once you’ve started everything pulls together and takes shape.

Now you know that it can be done. It doesn’t matter that most of the first attempt gets discarded, that it won’t work work exactly the way you wanted. You now know if it needs to be changed or refined.

All of a sudden you have gone from having a thought to having created something. You can repeat it, make a better one.

You are now living life rather than worrying about what others think. You’ve learned that creating something is better than doing nothing.

Do Something Do Anything

Do Something Do Anything


Science and Religion

To properly communicate a belief sometimes we need to phrase it in a very exact way. That isn’t always easy to do, and we can end up frustrated.

Thankfully some great thinkers and speakers have preceded us, and they manage to sum-up our thoughts in a few powerful words. Martin Luther King, Jr said:

“Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals. They are complementary.”

This isn’t the MLK quote that I want to use today to mark Martin Luther King Day in the USA. It’s here so that next time a friend wants to tell me that science is wrong I have the right words so that I don’t need to flail around, or cause offense!

Science - Stylised Atom