The February sun and the angle don’t do me many favours but here goes anyway.
CannibalRabbit in farm attire in the middle of a paddock, looking very chunky!
The CannibalRabbit bites back
Over Easter we managed a family trip up Mt Wombat to see the new Telstra mobile tower that’s being built, and to have a look at the view. There are more photos to follow, but this one appealed to my sense of humour!
As I mentioned in my New Year post things got very soggy in Melbourne in the run up to the end of 2009. We were treated to another light show the following night. I then discovered just how hard it is to photograph lightning, especially when you forget the tripod!
The only saving grace was that we were at the farm, and there was plenty of open space. Even so, I still had some silhouetted trees for a little foreground interest but they are better than rooftops.
Melbourne’s weather is doing what it does best; changes every five minutes. But there have been a few warm days now and a fair bit of rain, which is a relief given that we are in a 12-year long drought [^].
This little lamb was only a few days old in April, and had been left to have a sleep my mum. This presented a wonderful opportunity to creep up and get a few close-ups. Once used for photographic purposes a family reunion was swiftly organised.
Spring and lambs are two things that go hand in hand, even though here in Victoria lambing mostly happens in April and May (Autumn).
They are Australian, brown, hairy, and live in trees, but you don’t find tourists queuing up for a cuddle. We uncovered this huntsman [^] under the bark of a dead tree while cleaning up fallen timber on the farm a few weeks ago.
I can see why some people would be afraid of a spider that can have a leg-span of up to 15cm. The good news is their bite rarely causes anything more than localised pain and swelling.