“The most Christmassy feeling in the world, is when you give somebody a gift you know they will always remember.” Robin – Ghosts 2023 Christmas Special
Ghosts have gone, we knew the end was coming, but how was it going to end?
Well, spolier free, they went out in the best possible way. Completely in the spirit of the show, and perfectly. No questions left hanging, and no regrets. And what a call, to go out with the Christmas Special!
The leading quote from Robin is almost the last dialog from the episode, and yes they have managed to give us a gift that we will never forget. It is almost as good as the last scene of Blackadder Goes Forth from 1989. Everyone that has sees that still gets the chills, and never forgets.
The hobby is dying …
It interesting sitting across multiple hobbies / interests and seeing the parallels and difference. In this case dog showing and railway modelling. Both have their fair share of deep thinkers
Mike at OST Publications, one of the model railroaders who seems to look at things in a different light, just blogged this:
Sorry Mike, you had already boiled that post down to the absolute essence of the matter, there’s no room to just skim a morsel out of it!
Could this possibly apply to dog showing? Of course it can, we hear enough of the crisis mode not too much of the “opportunities” mode. We were helped and encouraged into the community and hope that we can do the same.