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Expensive Toys

It seems that there must be a large group of people out in the world with some very deep pockets. 

Ridemaster Pro Horse Riding Simulator

Ridemaster Pro Horse Riding Simulator

The Telegraph [^] has just run a “report” about the a horse-riding simulator.  Now you can enjoy all of the benefits of horse riding without any of the downsides, apart from a £40,000 price tag.  Apparently the Ridemaster Pro is “perfectly schooled and capable of doing advanced movements such as medium trot, medium canter, lateral work and rein back.”

All that and no agistment, feeding, mucking-out or vet bills to worry about  The big question then is, how will the rider cope when faced with an independently-minded, free-spirited or just plain frisky mount?  Some might say that this is just a large, and expensive, rocking horse.  How bout making things a little more interesting and life-like by combining some of the circuitry from a bucking bronco machine?

Perhaps slightly less useful, but way more impressive is a life-size replica of a Tyrannosaurus rex.  Now the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research [^] are willing to supply you with one of these for a mere $100,000US.  Not bad value for money when you consider it’s 40 feet long and stands at around 12 feet tall at the hips!  To top it all off, a crew of six people can have one of these monsters assembled in under an hour.

Life-Sized Tyrannosaurus Rex

Life-Sized Tyrannosaurus Rex